2/13/2010: New version of Starflight/Dosbox packaged up. Default 1024x768 windowed mode, full screen mode utilizing as much of the full screen as possible while remaining aspect-ratio correct. (Removed for GOG version)
Thanks to Pat Shearon for a new Starflight 1 code wheel program that operates properly in 64-bit environments. Download it here. (included and needed in the current Win/DOS installer) Also thanks to Robert Anderson and Nick Collett for the two 16 color Tandy versions of the game now packaged in the Win/Dos version, including an invulnerable ship mod with engines that use no fuel, and one million startup cash. Besides having the identical graphics quality of the commonly found EGA version, the Tandy version fixes several longtime bugs. Shields drop properly in nebula, the crystal cone is no longer located underwater, the first planet of 123,101 is no longer colonizeable, and all the fractal terrain people remember in CGA version is faithfully rendered in 16 colors
Links to Amiga and Genesis versions added 11/23/06. Note that all downloads include Windows emulators and run under Windows 98 - Vista. The Amiga versions feature mouse control and better graphics than the PC versions. Hot keys are Ctrl-F11 to close the emulator and Ctrl-F12 to toggle fullscreen mode. To obtain unlimited resources in the Amiga version of Starflight 1, first buy " 1000" Endurium, and then sell 990 back.
Note: You are NOT authorized to download a copy of the complete game unless you already own the original disks. Also be aware that this document is extremely spoiler rich.